Current Calculation Method
After you enter all your transactions, we calculate the Average Purchase Price and Number of Shares for each holding. This data lets us accurately determine total returns per holding. Other metrics, like the 7-Day Return and Performance Chart, are estimates based on these averages, serving as guides until full transaction-based calculations are launched.
What’s Coming: Full Transaction-Based Calculations
Soon, transaction-based returns calculations will provide a more detailed breakdown of your returns:
- Realised Returns: Profits or losses from stocks you’ve sold.
- Unrealised Returns: The current value of stocks that you’re holding.
- Dividend Returns: Income from dividends over time.
- Currency Returns: Gains or losses from currency fluctuations on international holdings.
- CAGR: The compounded annual growth rate for your portfolio and each holding.
This update will enable accurate calculations across all metrics, giving a more complete picture of your portfolio’s performance.
No action is needed on your end—we’ll let you know when it’s live!
Continuous Improvements: Focusing on Detailed, Accurate Returns
We’re committed to providing investors with a full understanding of their returns. Future updates will add even greater detail to support comprehensive portfolio analysis and insights into each layer of performance.