Login and Accounts Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Contents:

  1. Unable to login or access my account
  2. Account is Stale or User account is not verified
  3. Saved data or settings look different on your account


Unable to login or access my account

Here are the potential reasons and solutions if you are unable to login to your account:

A. Wrong Credentials (Password/Email)
The email or password entered is incorrect. Here are a few things you can check and what to do,
  1. Recheck the details, and note that login credentials are case-sensitive.
  2. If you are using a password manager, it’s possible that the saved details may not be correct. Try to enter details manually instead.
  3. It’s also possible to have a faulty key on your device. Try to type your password separately on a notepad or document then copy-and-paste it to the login page.
  4. If you forgot your password, follow the instructions here.
B. Duplicate Account

You might have created two or more accounts by accident. This happens if you log into Simply Wall St via a different method to when you signed up originally and the email linked to that account is different.

You can find more information about it here.

C. (If on mobile app only) Your mobile app version might be outdated
If you can't log in to the mobile app but can log in to the web app using the same credentials, the issue might be due to an outdated version of the app. Kindly update the Simply Wall St mobile app on your phone through Google Play or the Apple app store and re-login to your account. Alternatively, you can simply uninstall and then reinstall the application.

Note: If you're encountering an error not covered above, please take a screenshot of the error message and send it to us at support@simplywallst.com or through this support contact form.


Account is Stale or User account is not verified

If you receive a prompt stating “Account is Stale” or “User account is not verified” when attempting to log in, it indicates that you haven't verified your email address after creating your Simply Wall St account. Please note that the verification email is only valid for 24 hours.

If you encounter this prompt, you will have to send us a message directly at support@simplywallst.com or through this support contact form.

Saved data or settings look different on your account

If your saved data, including saved portfolio and screeners, look different or some of them are missing you may be logged in to a different account as you may have created more than one account. You then have to find the right account to login to.

How to check or find out if you have more than one account

When logging in, please be mindful of using the same method you used during the sign-up process to avoid creating duplicate accounts. Please refer here for more details about the account’s login method.

For example, if you signed up using the Google link connected to your personal email and then logged in again using Gmail connected to your work email, you will end up with 2 accounts.

If you signed up using the Google link connected to your personal email, make sure to continue using the same method to avoid duplicate accounts.

Step 1: Check your email accounts for the Welcome email
  1. Go to each of your main email accounts (e.g. Google Mail), or the ones you might be used to sign up for online services.

  2. Search for “no-reply@simplywall.st” with the subject “Welcome to Simply Wall St”.  The welcome email indicates the login method or email used for the account that you created, here's an example of an email that you may have received.

    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 8.52.30 PM-20240530-125713.png
Step 2: Log in to your accounts one at a time
  1. Login to each of your accounts one at time to ensure you don't encounter caching issue which may lead to further account confusion.

  2. Check the data and settings that looking for or what you’re expecting to see.

    If you are stuck and having trouble accessing your account, you can use the Reset Password form for both email and social accounts. Alternatively, you can refer to this guide on how to reset and recover your account.

  3. Decide which account you want to use (if you have a paid subscription, best to keep this one!)

    Tip: Delete unwanted accounts to avoid login confusion in the future. Please see this guide on how to delete an account.
Note: We cannot merge multiple accounts.


Still have questions or need further assistance?

Don't hesitate to contact our support team through our support contact form or email us directly at support@simplywallst.com. We're here to ensure you have the best experience possible.



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