Gift Subscription Terms and FAQs

Gift Subscription Terms and Conditions

Simply Wall St offers gift subscriptions in the form of a redeemable code which is digital only; there is no physical gift card and each code can only be gifted and redeemed once. Gift subscriptions must be redeemed within 3 years of purchase.

To redeem a gift subscription, you must have or create an account on and agree to be bound by all Simply Wall St Terms and Conditions.

Gift subscriptions are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash, except to the extent required by law. They cannot be used to purchase other gift subscriptions and cannot be resold.

Gift Subscription Frequently Asked Questions

Purchasing and Gifting

How to purchase a gift subscription?

Gift subscriptions can be purchased here.

Please note that gift subscriptions are digital only; there is no physical gift card and each code can only be gifted and redeemed once.

How to give a gift subscription?

Once you have purchased a gift subscription, you will receive a confirmation email containing the code. You can then share this gift subscription with the recipient. Here are some suggested ways to share:

  • Forward the email to them.
  • Print out the email and gift it to them.
  • Take a screenshot or copy the link in the email to share.

I did not receive the email confirmation and code. What do I do?

Please contact our support team, and we will be happy to help you. To speed up validating your transaction, kindly provide the following:

  • The email address that was entered or used in purchasing the gift subscription
  • Date of purchase.
  • Brand and last 4 digits of the card used to purchase.

Redeeming and Usage

How to redeem a gift subscription?

In order to redeem a gift subscription, you must have an existing account with Simply Wall St and be on a free plan or currently trialling a paid plan.

If you are new to Simply Wall St, you can create a free account here.

Once you are logged in, you can redeem your gift card here.

Do gift subscriptions expire?

Gift subscriptions must be redeemed within 3 years of purchase.

Are gift subscriptions refundable?

Gift subscriptions are non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash, except to the extent required by law. They cannot be used to purchase other gift subscriptions and cannot be resold.

What happens when my gift subscription ends?

Towards the end of the gift subscription period, you will have the option to renew or upgrade your subscription, otherwise your account will automatically be switched to our Free Plan.

What if I receive a gift subscription and I’m already a subscriber?

Currently, gift subscriptions can be redeemed only by those on a free plan or those trialling a paid plan. If you are already on a paid subscription and have received a gift subscription, you can only use it for your renewal; you cannot exchange it for a refund. Please contact our support team to apply your gift subscription for your next renewal.

I redeemed a gift Unlimited Plan subscription. Can I downgrade to Premium Plan?

If you redeemed a gift subscription for the Unlimited plan, you can downgrade to the Premium plan anytime. To do so, you will have to request our support team to avoid unnecessary charges (more details in the notes below).

Important Note:
To prevent unnecessary charges and to receive a prorated credit for the downgrade, which may reduce your renewal cost next year, please contact our support team. Be sure to add a payment method to your account first to make the process smoother as our team will initiate the upgrade and charge with the adjusted amount. Otherwise, if you attempt to downgrade by yourself, the system may charge you a full price for the Premium Plan.

I redeemed a gift Premium Plan subscription. Can I upgrade to Unlimited Plan?

If you redeemed a gift subscription for the Premium plan, you can Upgrade to the Unlimited plan anytime. To do so, you will have to request our support team to get a prorated adjustment to lessen your cost of upgrading (more details in the notes below).

Important Note:
To receive a prorated credit for the upgrade, please contact our support team. Be sure to add a payment method to your account first to make the process smoother as our team will initiate the upgrade and charge with the adjusted amount. Otherwise, if you attempt to upgrade by yourself, the system may charge you the full price for the Unlimited Plan.


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