Daily Updates
Here's the list of important updates and events of companies that we send straight to your inbox based on the stocks you added in either your Portfolio or Watchlist. Also, make sure that you are subscribed to the Important Update in your Notifications setting to be able to receive these:
- Reported earnings
Dividend-related updates
- Upcoming dividend
- Special dividend announcement
- Increase/decrease on dividend payment
- Major revision of financial estimates
- If the consensus Price Target from various Analysts has changed
- If the company is reported to have a merger or acquisition target
- Breakeven date has changed
- If there's a new update on valuation
- If the company reported an Executive's departure
- Has reported recent insider transactions
- If there's a new risk detected
- If there's a buying opportunity based on when a stock becomes undervalued
- Doubts on auditor's going concern
- Announcement of Buyback Transactions
- Reorganisation due to Bankruptcy
- Lawsuits or legal issues
- If the company has Follow-on Offering
Weekly Updates
Which of my Portfolios are captured in the Weekly Update email?
If you have more than 3 portfolios on our platform, our weekly email update will select your top 3 portfolios using the following criteria to determine their priority for inclusion. They are prioritised as follows:
- Any portfolios with the most number of transactions
- Then any portfolios with the most number of holdings
- Finally, any portfolios that are watchlists
However, if you don’t have any portfolio created on our platform, we will create an imaginary portfolio for you according to whatever stocks you have searched for on Simply Wall Street.
At the top of the email, you’ll notice we discuss a certain market (e.g. US) and industry (e.g. retail). The market is determined by whichever market you have the most holdings in, and the industry is determined by whatever industry you have most of your portfolio invested in.
Want to know how to enable notifications? Click here to see the guide on how to modify your email notifications.