What are the markets and assets available on Simply Wall St Platform?


  1. What markets do you cover?
  2. What are ETFs and do you cover them?
  3. Do you cover REITs?
  4. Do you cover mutual funds, bonds, or cryptocurrencies?



What markets do you cover?

Simply Wall St app focuses on the Stock Market and provides access to companies listed in major exchanges from around the world.

You can see the complete list of stocks that we cover by going to the Discover tab >> Browse All Stocks or through this link https://simplywall.st/stocks/global

From the link above, you will land on a page where you can select various markets through a dropdown list as shown below.




What are ETFs and do you cover them? What are ETFs and do you cover them?

Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs) are traded like a company on the exchange, however are made up of a basket of investments. This could be in types of companies (such as a Biotech or based overseas), commodities (eg gold), bonds and so on. They are designed to provide you with diversification with the benefit of liquidity and easy trading. They aren't fitted well into our company report analysis model given its nature of operation.

At the moment you can add limited ETFs to your portfolio for tracking purposes.



Do you cover REITs?

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are currently covered on the platform. However, at the moment we don't show some specific calculations usually utilised to assess these, such as Funds From Operations (FFO).

We plan on addressing this in the future.



Do you cover mutual funds, bonds, or cryptocurrencies?

The Simply Wall St platform is largely focused on equities and so, unfortunately, mutual funds, bonds (and other fixed-income securities), and cryptocurrencies are not covered on the platform. For the same reason, these can’t be added to your portfolio either.



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